Our commitment on climate change and the environment
We are committed to reducing our energy and carbon footprint in addressing the global threat of climate change. Our ambitious sustainability program is designed to reduce the environmental impact of our products and also our development and production activities.
We provide our clients with an opportunity to reduce their own impact on the environment by using more sustainable materials and eco-designed products.
We actively promote reducing power, water and paper consumption in all of our offices and workshops.
We comply with current environmental legislation and work hard to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment. We engage with our stakeholders and encourage greater awareness on climate change and biodiversity.
Our commitment on social responsibility
We are focused on strengthening the relationships we have with our stakeholders. We are committed to investing in the skills and well-being of our employees and partnering with our clients, communities, investors, and suppliers.
We are co-building a stimulating, dynamic, safe, inclusive, and diverse work environment with our employees; one that supports their professional development, regardless of the country of operation. We are also promoting a good work-life balance that prioritizes overall health and wellness.
We support initiatives that benefit the environment and contribute to human welfare and education. This includes job training programs that advance workforce talent pipelines for our clients and economic development of the communities in which we operate. We will preserve and promote the protection of human rights, for our own business activities, as well as those of our supply chain, in accordance with our Code of Business Conduct and applicable policies.
Our commitment on ethical governance
All the levels of our organization are committed to ensuring the resilience and long-term preservation of value for our business.
We defend an exemplary management from the Board of Directors, management accountability, and proactive risk management. This should mitigate risk exposure and build the resilience of our business to climate change and natural disasters.
We are committed to high ethical standards through a strong Code of Business Conduct, continuing ethics training, and executive leadership that promotes a culture of integrity.
We cultivate strong stakeholder relationships by striving to be transparent in our communications and by providing systematic feedback to their input.
We have established clear and effective CSR governance by setting progress objectives for individual accountability. This is defined by our CSR committee and transmitted to our Board of Directors.